RE: Lunch will be held on Friday, August 30.

Food loss is a familiar topic these days, as we hear about food that cannot be shipped even though it is edible. The concept of “RE: Lunch” is to purchase such ingredients directly from producers and turn them into lunch menus.
This time, we will be serving a dish that is perfect for spending the hot summer season in a cool
and refreshing way,RE: Lunch” is held last Wednesday, but this time it will be held on August 30 (Fri.).

Chilled Genovese with Organic Komatsuna 800 yen (tax included)

RE: Lunch
Date & Time: Friday, August 30, 12:00 – 14:00 (LO at 13:30)
Price: 800 yen (tax included)
Reservations are not accepted.
The number of dishes available on that day is limited, and will be closed when sold out.
RE: Lunch details