“RE: Lunch”, our lunch menu will be started

“RE: Lunch”, our lunch menu will be started

This is a new perspective of TROIS VISAGES.
On the last Wednesday of every month,
we will offer a limited lunch menu featuring food loss as the main dish.
Ingredient loss that can be eaten but unable to be shipped is a topic that we often hear these years.
The concept of “RE: Lunch” (Re-birth) is to purchase such ingredients directly from producers,
and create them into a lunch menu.

Last summer, we visited KAMOS Farm in Kasama, Ibaraki, that uses no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. 
Then, we saw piles of Komatsuna leaves peeled and disposed due to shipping standards.
The outer leaves which are disposed because they may change color during shipping or to have them
same size, are actually the best part of Komatsuna we can enjoy with richest flavor
because they absorbed much sunlight. Therefore, we decided to purchase these outer leaves at a reasonable
price, and have them into a dish.
For the first “RE: Lunch”, we will re-birth this organic Komatsuna into curry sauce.
We are honor to take this opportunity “RE: Lunch” to deeply think about food loss.

〈Organic Komatsuna Curry with Chicken Galantine ¥800(tax included) 〉

First of all, Komatsuna is divided into two parts, the outer leaves and stems, to bring out the best of each.
Then, two different sauces are prepared with special care, using different cooking methods.
The leaf has an aroma, but if it is keeping to heat, its color will turn brown and the aroma will be loosed.
Therefore, the leaves are quickly cooked and then combined with chicken broth and olive oil.
As a result, a dark green sauce with rich flavor and aroma will be born.
Then, the stems have a gentle flavor, so they are sauteed with onion and flavored with spices such as
cardamom, garam masala, and ginger to create a spicy sauce.
These sauces are complemented by turmeric rice cooked ‘al dente’ and galantine(sausage) made from leftover ingredients.
Please enjoy this yummy Komatsuna on your own way, tasting each proportion on the dish.

April “RE: Lunch”
Date: April 24th, Wednesday
      12:00 – 14:00 (13:30L.O.)
*No Reservations
The number of dishes a day is limited, and it will be finished when it’s sold out.