APRIL Special:Limited Dinner Course for 2nd Anniversary

APRIL Special:Limited Dinner Course for 2nd Anniversary

Dearest Customers,

We thank you for your continuous support always.
We are pleased to announce that TROIS VISAGES will celebrate its 2nd Anniversary in April 2024.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you again.

With our gratitude, we now will be offering a special dinner course featuring ‘Mukaku Wagyu’ which is raised only in Yamaguchi where our chef Kuninaga’s hometown.

This special course allows you to enjoy full of Mukaku Wagyu, left only 200 in Japan.
We’d like you to take this opportunity to enjoy this exclusive dish because of the limited number of shipments for market.

We look forward to your reservations.

“Mukaku Wagyu”

Only 200 left in Japan which is very precious existence.

It’s the rarest of the four Wagyu breeds, only 0.01% of ratio of all Wagyu, and they’ve been used for farm
work as agricultural cattle.
They eat feed grown in Yamaguchi, and are grazed in fallow fields, abandoned fields,
and pastures in rich nature. So, they are raised with care-free,
and characterized by lean meat with Umami flavor.
Abucho, where Mukaku Wagyu are raised and grazed in an environment close to nature.
The town is working on the cooperation between livestock and cultivated animals considering
the environmental impact and sustainable growth, such as cultivation of feed crops used by compost,
under the vision of animal welfare. They also pursue ‘the outstanding taste of the land(terroir)’ which reflects more about Mukaku Wagyu.

April 2nd, Tuesday – April 30th, Tuesday
Price at 18,000 yen (tax included/service charge to be add)
Reservation Web

 Tel. 03 3544 5205