DISH STORIES tells the stories behind each dish in our various seasonal courses.

This time, we would like to talk about red turnip.It is an ingredient that has been familiar in Japan long time,  and has a slightly more bittersweet flavor then white one.

The red turnips used in our course are from Yoko Farm in Saitama, and we received some to be thinned out  before winter season from them.
In the past, they had a stringly hard skin that had to be peeled thickly, however, we now can eat them without peeling due to farmers efforts.
After applying hidden cut on the skin, the turnips are roasted slowly in the oven with salt and butter rubbed on the surface.
Our chef learned this preparation method at the workshop for Japanese chefs gathered.
Carefully processed and roasted red turnips are served with bittersweet espuma made from shellfish broth,
come with red turnip puree.
Quickly sautéed red clam and a bit vinegared red chrysanthemum from Yamagata are paired with as a texture. 

The quality of ingredients has been changed over years and years, so that our chef thinks
that the cooking method also has to be changed the same.
Our chef said that he learned a lot by facing turnip this time.